Monday 31 October 2016

Spiders Webs - Classy Halloween!

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🕷Happy Halloween to all you Ghoulishly Gorgeous People🕷

I couldn't let this Spooky Celebration go by without doing some sort of themed nails!
I'm going to be brave, sharing a stamping design I did yesterday. I had second thoughts about publishing this because it's the first time I've stamped every nail. I'm modestly satisfied but it could have been better!
Stamping certainly hasn't come easy for me but now I've got the right tools I'm getting there. All I need now is lots of practice!

I started with a base coat, then painted on 1 coat of OPI 'Got the Blues for Red'.

Next I dripped some Nail Art 'To Infinity & Beyond' onto a piece of shiny card. Using a small sponge dab the sponge into the black and randomly apply lightly over the red to give a smudged effect.

Then comes the stamping (eek), for this I used Born Pretty Plate L057, Clear Jelly Big Bling Stamper which is Fantastic, and their Scraper. You also need Nail Polish remover to clean stamp plate between stamps & a Lint Roller for cleaning stamper.

Paint a small amount of Polish onto your chosen design, scrape to fill in the etched pattern at a 45 degree angle with your scraper.
Now very quickly & confidently, press your stamper onto the stamp plate to transfer the design.
You don't have to be as quick with the next step, so give yourself chance to line up the patten to your nail. This is where 'Big Bling' comes into its own... it's clear enabling you to look into it to see exactly what your doing.
Press onto nail and clean up any bits from around your cuticles with a brush and nail polish remover. Repeat until you are finished then top coat - Voila
A Classy take on Halloween Nails...

I chose a 🕷Spiders Web🕷 design and OPI's 'Press for Silver' for my fingers. For my thumb a Twisted Tree & A Bat...

There are lots of great YouTube videos showing how to stamp but the best way is to play around stamping onto paper to see what works for you.
Good tools are a must! This is my first time using a Born Pretty plate, it worked well.
Moyou London are very good brand, their plates are well etched and polishes work well.
Be careful buying from eBay, my first plates weren't genuine, etching wasn't deep enough, lots of failures and disappointment.

I hope I've encouraged some of you to give Stamping a try, it's a fun way of changing your nails, with so many options/styles available, the possibilities are endless.

Right I'm off to fill my 🎃Trick or Treat🎃 bowl with Haribo Minis & Lollies in preparation for the door knocking later! BOO 👻

Have a Spooktastic Night,

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Beauty+ Tesco Hair Skin & Nails Multi Vitamins + Minerals

Afternoon Lovelies,
Around a year ago I started to notice I was losing a lot more hair than normal when washing and brushing. I panicked at the start of summer when I tied my hair in bunches and realised how thin the ponytails were.
I'd always had lovely thick hair that was loved by my hairdressers and friends but hard work for me when it came to drying and styling! Now it was thinning what could I do? This concerned me a great deal.
I take lots of medication for pain daily this could be a factor...

I read that taking Multi Vitamins for Hair may help with new growth, so of course I was going to give them a try!
I wasn't sure where to begin, then whilst Shopping at Tesco I spotted their own brand at a mere
£3 for one box of 30 or available on offer at 3 for 2...
I purchased one to start with, they didn't cause any side affects so I took advantage of the offer the next time I was in store.

Tesco+ Hair, Skin & Nails Multi Vitamins + Minerals
'Nutritional support to nourish from the inside with Vitamin C and Zinc for healthy skin and Selenium for healthy hair and nails’

Here's my results:-

10 days...
If you want your nails to grow quicker, take these!
I have the same amount of regrowth to my nails as I usually get in around a month! No kidding!
My results are remarkable after 20 days I started noticing a difference in the nail bed, the regrowth looks slightly smoother.

Day 28...
No noticeable change in hair & skin as of yet.

3 Months...
Nails continuing to grow extremely quick, I'm reaching for the nail file every 10 days or so!
Hair loss has definitely improved slightly, hair roots are oilier and overall hair looks shinier.
No noticeable change in skin.

Always read the label before taking as with all supplements. If you are taking other medications it may be wise to check with your GP first.

If you have any questions or if you've used these Multi Vitamins yourself, let me know how you got on with them. I'd be interested to see others results x

Chat soon,
Jenny x

*All opinions expressed are my own

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Cupcake Addicted - Manhattan Birthday Colours

Hi Lovelies,
I did another swatch from my recent Polish Haul today.
I chose this Limited Edition, Manhattan Birthday Colours Nail Polish in 'Cupcake Addicted'.

A White Polish with a Soft Gold Shimmer throughout and Baby Pink Glitters of Various sizes.
This took 3 coats to get full opaque coverage. It was easy to apply, no thickening like some glitter polishes, with a nice shine and a smooth finish.
After applying a top coat, I found the polish to take on a whole new look - Resembling Sparkling Crystals, set into the manicure... Beautiful!

💕I LOVE this polish 💕
It was purchased from a Beauty Outlet Store for just £1.99 Bargain!
I've looked for more information on the brand, but haven't been able to find out a great deal. It appears to be German, there's not many at all for sale in U.K. Fragrance Direct have some colours for low prices, you can also find them on eBay.
The twitter account @Manhattan_Tweet have a website link which takes you to famous for their low price makeup which I'm yet to try.

Base Coat - OPI Nail Envy Original
Top Coat -  Seche Vite

What do you think of this polish? Do you like to wear glitters during the year or tend to just wear them during the Festive Season or special occasions? I hope you've enjoyed joining me, chat soon...
Jenny x

*Products used are my own

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Bourjois La Laque - Beach Violet

I decided on Bourjois Paris La Laque in 'Beach Violet' from the bundle I bought and wrote about in my last post Nail Polish Haul.

Indoors Natural Light 
It's an Alluring Deep Berry Shade that I simply had to own.
The bottle is a Triangular Shape, with a slight curve to the front, sassy!
The formula was slightly thicker than average, I'd give 5 Stars for coverage... in fact if you were in a rush you could get away with just one coat. The shine was outstanding, a lovely polish!

Taken Outdoors
But and this is a Big But...
I could not get the lid to sit at all comfortably in my hands. I tried in a few positions but for me it just wasn't happening.
I ended up with a terrible mess all over my cuticles and fingers, the cleanup was a nightmare with it being such a dark shade.
I'd suggest manufacturers stick to a more standard bottle shape rather than a radical look that's fiddly to say the least.
I dare say 'Practice Makes Perfect' but do I really want the fuss & mess! I think this polish will be going into my nail art drawer, unless I get an empty bottle I can transfer to!

Nail Envy OPI (Base Coat)
Seche Vite (Top Coat)

*Products used belong to myself

Saturday 8 October 2016

Nail Polish Haul

Hi Lovelies, I hope you're all good?

I've been really lazy with my nails recently but through choice. The Purple Animal Print went down well with my friends and I got lots of fab compliments. It lasted really well, no chips, so I wore it as long as I could, almost a fortnight! Big fist pump to Leighton Denny's Polishes.

Earlier this week I visited a Beauty Outlet Store. I picked up a nice little haul of polishes for £1.99 each, exciting colours and glitters. I had so much fun...

I'd been looking for a Rose Gold Glitter for a while, sadly none there but I spotted the next best thing!
Sally Hansen's 'Copper Penny' Super Sparkly it was love at first sight! Although I've used SH products in the past, this Complete Salon Manicure is new to me.

Sally Hansen's 'Bittersweet' is a Deep Brown Shade, this is a shade that will be very useful during Autumn/Winter for Nail Art. Again it's Complete Salon Manicure.

Leighton Denny 'Clockwork Orange' I did a little squeal when I saw this sat at the end of a shelf. Tried & Tested I love this long lasting formula... This colour will be perfect for Halloween 🎃
I asked if any other colours were available, sadly not, it had come from another store. So keep an eye out if you have an outlet near you, these retail at around £11 usually!

Bourjois Paris La Laque 'Beach Violet' This is the Darkest of Pink Shades, could be described as Berry. All I knew was I had to have it, I LOVE Pinks and don't have one as dark as this. Yes it was coming home with Mamma!

Manhattan Birthday Colours 'Lets Fall in Love' A Limited Edition of Cerise Pink Polish with tiny Glitters. A great name, you couldn't fail to Love it 💕

Manhattan Birthday Colours 'Cupcake Addicted' Oh so Adorable... A White Polish with Pink Shimmery Glitters in varying sizes. It really is Beautiful, I can't wait to try...
I did look into these Manhattan polishes as I'd never heard of the brand. It's apparently very hard to find them in the U.K. So I was in the right place at the right time.
It's a German brand. I did see some for sale on eBay, though much pricier than what I paid.

What do you think of my choices? What's your favourite? I'd love to hear from you x

Right I'm away to paint my nails with one of these new polishes, back tomorrow with pics.
Happy Weekend,